Today Maggie and I went to El Museo de Guayasamin. Guayasamin is a famous Ecuadorian artist 1919-1999. A lot of his paintings represented the anguish and suffering of Indigenous, mestizos and poor in Ecuador and throughout the world. We took a guided tour. It was very interesting but very sad. We couldn't take pictures inside the museum but everyone should check out his paintings! We got to take a few pictures outside of billboards that represented Guayasamin.
He had some beautiful quotes hanging around the museum. One of my favorites was the following...
"Una vez lloré porque no tenía zapatos hasta que vi a otro nino sin pies" Translation: I cried because I did not have shoes until I saw a child without feet - Guayasamin
Also when talking about the faces he painted he said you don't paint a face you paint the soul... He was apparently a very wise man.
I bought some reprints that are just beautiful! I couldn't buy the sad faces because I thought they would give me nightmares...
After the Guayasamin we went home and made Christmas sugar cookies. The kids had a lot of fun and I ate too much dough.
Con amor!